blob: 1a45bd15173742ffc851b31818446afd5d5b2b5c [file] [log] [blame]
* @fileoverview Overlay for the Geodetic Velocities visualization.
* @license Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Overlay requires THREE.js and d3.
if (typeof THREE === 'undefined') {
throw Error('THREE.js is required to create an Overlay.');
if (typeof d3 === 'undefined') {
throw Error('d3 is required to create an Overlay.');
var geovelo;
geovelo = geovelo || {};
* Construct the overlay for the Geodetic Velocities visualization.
* @param {Element} containerElement The DOM element into which to insert.
geovelo.Overlay = function(containerElement) {
// DOM Element into which to insert content.
this.domElement = document.createElement('div'); = 'none'; = 'absolute';
// Hopefully we've been provided a container and we can get a reasonable
// bounding box. But if not, we'll set up as though we're taking up the whole
// visible page.
var width = window.innerWidth;
var height = window.innerHeight;
if (containerElement) {
var rect = containerElement.getBoundingClientRect();
width = rect.width || width;
height = rect.height || height;
} = width + 'px'; = height + 'px';
// Set up the THREE.js camera looking down the negative z axis from above,
// with the whole frustum to the right and down. This make coordinate
// transformations between world coordinates and screen coordinates easy.
var camera = =
new THREE.OrthographicCamera(0, 100, 0, -100, 0, 1000);
camera.position.set(0, 0, 100);
// Set up the THREE.js renderer.
var renderer = this.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({
alpha: true,
antialias: true
renderer.setSize(width, height);
style =;
style.pointerEvents = 'none';
style.position = 'absolute';
style.width = style.height = '100%';
// Set up the scene into which we plan to draw the Geodetic Velocity lines.
var scene = this.scene = new THREE.Scene();
// Set up Stats if included in the page.
if (typeof Stats !== 'undefined') {
var stats = this.stats = new Stats(); = 'absolute'; = 0; = 0;
// Set up the custom line shader material to use for drawing lines.
this.material = new geovelo.LineShaderMaterial({
linewidth: 1
// Time in ms to allow processing to hold the thread before ceding to the UI.
this.maxProcessingTime = 100;
// Time in ms to cede to the UI thread before resuming processing.
this.resumeProcessingDelay = 10;
// Time in ms to wait before invoking functions in need of debouncing.
this.debounceTimeout = 50;
* Render the overlay into the canvas.
geovelo.Overlay.prototype.render = function() {
this.renderQueued = false;
if (this.stats) {
* Queue up a future call to render.
geovelo.Overlay.prototype.queueRender = function() {
if (!this.renderQueued) {
this.renderQueued = true;
* Set the boundaries of the viewable area in terms of minimum and maximum
* longitude and latitude. If the bounds object includes usable width, height
* and/or position values (left, right, bottom, top), then these will be used
* for the renderer well.
* @param {Object} bounds An object with north, south, east and west properties
* which map to the latitudinal and longitudinal extent. May also include width
* and heigt properties for the viewport.
geovelo.Overlay.prototype.setBounds = function(bounds) {
var getX = geovelo.WebMercator.getX;
var getY = geovelo.WebMercator.getY;
var minx = getX(bounds.west);
var maxx = getX(bounds.east);
var miny = getY(bounds.south);
var maxy = getY(bounds.north); = maxx - minx; = -(maxy - miny);, maxy, 100);;
// The overlay element always wants to align with the map's bounding box,
// irrespective of where its ancestors are positiond to that point.
var parent = this.domElement.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect(); = ( - + 'px'; = (bounds.left - parent.left) + 'px'; = (bounds.bottom - parent.bottom) + 'px'; = (bounds.right - parent.right) + 'px';
if (bounds.width && bounds.height) {
this.renderer.setSize(bounds.width, bounds.height);
* Queue up a future call to setBounds() to debounce frequent updates.
* @see setBounds().
geovelo.Overlay.prototype.queueSetBounds = function(bounds) {
this.setBoundsTimer =
setTimeout(this.setBounds.bind(this, bounds), this.debounceTimeout);
* New beacon data is available. Preprocess the data and reconstruct the scene.
* @param {Array} beacons An array of data for the beacons.
geovelo.Overlay.prototype.setData = function(rawBeacons) {
* This object keeps track of how the data processing is going.
this.processState = {
// Total number of vertices that we'll have.
totalVertexCount: 0,
// Raw beacon data.
rawBeacons: rawBeacons,
// Processed beacon data.
processedBeacons: []
// Begin processing the data by determining the total vertex count.
* Convenience method for emitting a status update event.
* @param {string} status Description of what's going on.
* @param {number} progress Estimate of progress (0-1).
geovelo.Overlay.prototype.emitStatusUpdate = function(status, progress) {
this.domElement.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('status-update', {
bubbles: true,
detail: {
status: status,
progress: progress
* Count the total number of vertices that we'll end up with in the final line,
* and also find out the minimum and maximum timestamps.
* @param {boolean} init Set to true to initialize state (first call).
geovelo.Overlay.prototype.analyzeData = function(init) {
var state = this.processState;
if (init) {
state.beaconIndex = 0;
state.startTimestamp = Infinity;
state.endTimestamp = -Infinity;
var rawBeacons = state.rawBeacons;
var start =;
while (state.beaconIndex < rawBeacons.length) {
var beacon = rawBeacons[state.beaconIndex];
// To save on the number of objects vertices that we have to render, we
// construct one big geometry rather than thousands of smaller ones. So we
// cram all of the beacons' lines into one big vertex array, adding in
// separator vertices to break the line. Line segments that involve these
// separator vertices are discarded in the shader.
state.totalVertexCount += beacon.lon.length + 2;
state.startTimestamp = Math.min(state.startTimestamp, beacon.start);
state.endTimestamp = Math.max(state.endTimestamp,
beacon.start + beacon.lon.length * 60 * 60 * 24);
if ( - start >= this.maxProcessingTime) {
// Announce progress, then cede to the UI thread.
this.emitStatusUpdate('analyzing data...',
state.beaconIndex / rawBeacons.length);
return setTimeout(
this.analyzeData.bind(this), this.resumeProcessingDelay);
// Announce timestamp extent for controls.
this.domElement.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('extent-changed', {
bubbles: true,
detail: {
extentStart: new Date(state.startTimestamp * 1000),
extentEnd: new Date(state.endTimestamp * 1000)
// Set up the buffers, geometries and lines for further processing.
* Since the total vertex count is now known, set up buffers to hold vertex
* data and begin processing vertex data.
geovelo.Overlay.prototype.setupBuffers = function() {
var state = this.processState;
// Create typed array to hold each vertex's relevant attributes:
// - x - the beacon index,
// - y - the beacon's start timestamp,
// - z - the current timestamp.
// These are used by the LineShaderMaterial's vertex shader to compute
// final positions based on values retrieved from the BeaconVertexTexture.
state.positions = new Float32Array(state.totalVertexCount * 3);
// The beacon vertext texture holds all the data about each beacon at each
// timestamp that the shader needs.
// @see geovelo.BeaconVertexTexture.
var texture = state.texture = new geovelo.BeaconVertexTexture(
state.rawBeacons.length, state.startTimestamp, state.endTimestamp);
// Create a geometry and line for the scene. At this point we can safely begin
// rendereing, even though the actual values haven't been filled in yet.
var geometry = state.geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
new THREE.BufferAttribute(state.positions, 3));
var line = state.line = new THREE.Line(geometry, this.material);
line.frustumCulled = false;
// Begin processing beacon data.
* Perform data processing for a time before ceding back to the UI thread.
* @param {boolean} init Set to true to initialize processing (first call).
geovelo.Overlay.prototype.processData = function(init) {
var state = this.processState;
if (init) {
state.beaconIndex = 0;
state.positionIndex = 0;
var rawBeacons = state.rawBeacons;
var getX = geovelo.WebMercator.getX;
var getY = geovelo.WebMercator.getY;
var start =;
while (state.beaconIndex < rawBeacons.length) {
var beacon = rawBeacons[state.beaconIndex];
// This object keeps track of the processing of an individual beacon.
var beaconState = state.beaconState;
if (!beaconState) {
beaconState = state.beaconState = {
// The name of this beacon.
// The beacon's base X and Y position in Web Mercator projected coords.
baseX: getX(beacon.lon[0]),
baseY: getY([0]),
// The index within the beacon's lon/lat arrays to look at next.
lonLatIndex: 0
state.beaconIndex, beaconState.baseX, beaconState.baseY);
while (beaconState.lonLatIndex < beacon.lon.length) {
var lon = beacon.lon[beaconState.lonLatIndex];
var lat =[beaconState.lonLatIndex];
if (lon && lat) {
var x = getX(lon) - beaconState.baseX;
var y = getY(lat) - beaconState.baseY;
var timestamp = beacon.start + beaconState.lonLatIndex * 60 * 60 * 24;
// Poke the x and y values into the texture.
state.texture.setBeaconLonLat(state.beaconIndex, timestamp, x, y);
if (beaconState.lonLatIndex === 0) {
// Insert a separator vertex since we're beginning a beacon.
state.positions[state.positionIndex * 3 + 0] = state.beaconIndex;
state.positions[state.positionIndex * 3 + 1] = beacon.start;
state.positions[state.positionIndex * 3 + 2] = -Infinity;
// Insert a vertex for this beacon and timestamp.
state.positions[state.positionIndex * 3 + 0] = state.beaconIndex;
state.positions[state.positionIndex * 3 + 1] = beacon.start;
state.positions[state.positionIndex * 3 + 2] = timestamp;
if (beaconState.lonLatIndex === beacon.lon.length - 1) {
// Insert a separator vertex since we're at the end of a beacon.
state.positions[state.positionIndex * 3 + 0] = state.beaconIndex;
state.positions[state.positionIndex * 3 + 1] = beacon.start;
state.positions[state.positionIndex * 3 + 2] = Infinity;
state.geometry.attributes.position.needsUpdate = true;
if ( - start >= this.maxProcessingTime) {
// Announce progress, then cede to the UI thread.
this.emitStatusUpdate('adding beacon lines...',
state.beaconIndex / rawBeacons.length);
return setTimeout(
this.processData.bind(this), this.resumeProcessingDelay);
// Finished with this beacon! Save off the beacon state object for further
// processing.
state.processedBeacons[state.beaconIndex] = beaconState;
// Clear out the beaconState object, increment beaconIndex.
state.beaconState = null;
state.progress = state.beaconIndex / rawBeacons.length;
this.material.needsUpdate = true;
this.beacons = state.processedBeacons;
// Compute medians for correction.
* Compute and update the cumulative median offset lon/lat values.
* @param {boolean} init Set to true to initialize processing (first call).
geovelo.Overlay.prototype.computeMedians = function(init) {
var SECONDS_PER_DAY = 60 * 60 * 24;
var getX = geovelo.WebMercator.getX;
var getY = geovelo.WebMercator.getY;
var state = this.processState;
if (init) {
state.currentTimestamp = state.startTimestamp;
state.medianLons = [];
state.medianLats = [];
var start =;
while (state.currentTimestamp <= state.endTimestamp) {
// Lists of all of the longitudinal and latitudinal deltas for all beacons
// that have data for this timestamp. These will be sorted to pick out the
// median, and then that will be added to the previous cumulative median to
// get the new cumulative median.
var deltaLons = [];
var deltaLats = [];
for (var j = 0; j < state.rawBeacons.length; j++) {
var beacon = state.rawBeacons[j];
// Skip this beacon if the current timestamp is either before its first
// reading or after its last.
if (state.currentTimestamp < beacon.start) {
var endTimestamp = beacon.start + SECONDS_PER_DAY * beacon.lon.length;
if (state.currentTimestamp > endTimestamp) {
// Look up the lon and lat values for this beacon.
var index = Math.round(
(state.currentTimestamp - beacon.start) / SECONDS_PER_DAY);
var lon = beacon.lon[index];
var lat =[index];
if (lon && lat) {
// Data's not missing, add to arrays.
var prevLon = state.texture.getLon
var beaconState = state.processedBeacons[j];
// Look up the previous lon and lat values, may have to slide backwards
// over missing data.
var prevLon = 0;
var prevLat = 0;
var prevIndex = index - 1;
while (prevIndex >= 0 && (!prevLon || !prevLat)) {
prevLon = beacon.lon[prevIndex];
prevLat =[prevIndex];
if (!prevLon || !prevLat) {
// Couldn't find a previous lon/lat to diff against.
// Add each delta to the appropriate list.
deltaLons.push(getX(lon) - getX(prevLon));
deltaLats.push(getY(lat) - getY(prevLat));
// Add current medians to cumulative medians and set in texture.
var cumulativeMedianLon =
(d3.median(deltaLons) || 0.0) +
(state.medianLons[state.medianLons.length - 1] || 0);
var cumulativeMedianLat =
(d3.median(deltaLats) || 0.0) +
(state.medianLats[state.medianLats.length - 1] || 0);
state.currentTimestamp, cumulativeMedianLon, cumulativeMedianLat);
state.currentTimestamp += SECONDS_PER_DAY;
if ( - start >= this.maxProcessingTime) {
// Announce progress, then cede to the UI thread.
this.emitStatusUpdate('computing medians...',
(state.currentTimestamp - state.startTimestamp) /
(state.endTimestamp - state.startTimestamp));
return setTimeout(
this.computeMedians.bind(this), this.resumeProcessingDelay);
this.emitStatusUpdate('ready', 1);
* Set the starting timestamp of the line shader material. This will map to the
* start color and start opacity.
* @param {number} startTimestamp Unix timestamp of the start of the range.
geovelo.Overlay.prototype.setStartTimestamp = function(startTimestamp) {
* Set the ending timestamp of the line shader material. This will map to the
* end color and start opacity.
* @param {number} endTimestamp Unix timestamp of the end of the range.
geovelo.Overlay.prototype.setEndTimestamp = function(endTimestamp) {
* Set the scale on the LineShaderMaterial from the provided multiplier.
geovelo.Overlay.prototype.setMultiplier = function(multiplier) {
this.material.setScale(Math.pow(10, multiplier));
* Set the amount of median correction to apply.
geovelo.Overlay.prototype.setMedianCorrection = function(medianCorrection) {
* Set the amount of median correction on the LineShaderMaterial.
* @param {number} correction Value from 0 (no correction) to 1 (full).
geovelo.Overlay.prototype.setMedianCorrection = function(correction) {
* Given an array of numbers (like latitude or longitude), return how many
* elements have falsey values.
geovelo.Overlay.countMissing = function(array) {
var missing = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
missing += !array[i];
return missing;