blob: 9f1ff851da230f3899877c9def0ce97e2a8b9980 [file] [log] [blame]
* @fileoverview Custom Line Shader Material for rendering the Geodetic Velocity
* lines.
* @license Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Shader requires THREE.js.
if (typeof THREE === 'undefined') {
throw Error('THREE.js is required to create an Overlay.');
var geovelo;
geovelo = geovelo || {};
* Custom Line Shader Material.
* This shader is the real workhorse of the visualization. For each beacon, at
* each timestep (that is each day) we have one vertex. Vertices are joined by
* line segments which collectively produce the visualization when rendered.
* The vertex shader is responsible for computing three things:
* - The final position of the vertex.
* - The color of the vertex.
* - Whether the vertex is visible.
* Computing the final position of the vertex depends on:
* - The base position for the beacon (its initial position).
* - The current timestamp (for z position).
* - The offset position for this day.
* - The offset position of the current "start" timestamp.
* - The median cumulative offset position for this day.
* - The scale (for magnification of geodetic velocity).
* Some of these values are the same for all vertices (uniforms) like scale.
* Others are unique to the vertex (attributes) like the offset position.
* Any value that needs to be the same for a large number of vertices is
* provided as a uniform, although some of these contain a lot of data. For
* example, looking up the offset position of the current start timestamp
* requires a texture (sampler2D) whose texels contain values and are indexed in
* the u and v direction by the beacon index and day index.
* The color and visiblity of the vertices are passed through to the fragment
* shader, which is comparatively simple. All it has to do is discard the
* fragment if either vertex of the segment is not visible, and show the
* interpolated color.
* @param {Object} parameters Parameters to send to the Material.
geovelo.LineShaderMaterial = function(parameters) {;
parameters = parameters || {};
parameters.vertexShader = geovelo.LineShaderMaterial.VERTEX_SHADER;
parameters.fragmentShader = geovelo.LineShaderMaterial.FRAGMENT_SHADER;
* Uniforms are GLSL variables which have a uniform value across all of the
* vertexes (and, subsequently, fragments) being rendered.
parameters.uniforms = {
* Magnification to apply to each vertex position (relative to base).
scale: { type: 'f', value: 3e5 },
* Amount of the cumulative median movement to subtract out at each step.
* Should be a value from 0 (no correction) to 1 (subtract full amount).
* This requires that cumulative medians have been computed and set in the
* BeaconVertexTexture data. If not, it will have no effect.
medianCorrection: { type: 'f', value: 1 },
* The beacon vertext texture contains all of the data about each beacon at
* each timestamp for which we have data. It includes the original starting
* position of the beacon as well as the cumulative median velocity for each
* time index (timestamp - start timestamp).
* It is used in the vertex shader to compute the final position of the
* beacon in Web Mercator projected coordinates just prior to applying the
* modelview and projection matricies to get the screen coordinates.
* This must be set prior to rendering via setBeaconVertexTexture(), which
* will also set up the min and max timestamps and dt/db uniforms.
* @see geovelo.BeaconVertexTexture.
beaconVertexTexture: { type: 't', value: null },
* These timestamps indicate the earliest and latest timestamps of the
* underlying data. They're used to compute the coordinates of the median
* values to apply, and when looking up the cumulative offset for
* recentering on a start timestamp.
minTimestamp: { type: 'f', value: 0 },
maxTimestamp: { type: 'f', value: 0 },
* dt and db are computed units used when peeking into the texture for data
* about a given beacon at a given time.
dt: { type: 'f', value: 0 },
db: { type: 'f', value: 0 },
* These RGBA colors are interpolated between the start and end timestamps
* based on the timestamp attribute of each vertex.
startColor: { type: 'v4', value: new THREE.Vector4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) },
endColor: { type: 'v4', value: new THREE.Vector4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) },
* These timestamps indicate the earliest and latest timestamps that we'll
* draw. The defaults are not necessarily ideal, but they are functional.
startTimestamp: { type: 'f', value: 0 },
endTimestamp: { type: 'f', value: +(new Date()) / 1000 },
* The startTimeIndex is the number of days between minTimestamp and
* startTimestamp.
startTimeIndex: { type: 'f', value: 0 },
* The animation clamps contain the timestamps that clamp the visibility of
* the line to only those vertexes with timestamp values between the clamps.
* Aniamation is achieved by sliding the clamp values over time.
startAnimationClamp: { type: 'f', value: -Infinity },
endAnimationClamp: { type: 'f', value: Infinity }
geovelo.LineShaderMaterial.prototype =
* Set the BeaconVertexTexture.
* @param {BeaconVertexTexture} texture The texture containing beacon data.
geovelo.LineShaderMaterial.prototype.setBeaconVertexTexture =
function(texture) {
this.uniforms.beaconVertexTexture.value = texture;
this.uniforms.minTimestamp.value = texture.startTimestamp;
this.uniforms.maxTimestamp.value = texture.endTimestamp;
this.uniforms.dt.value = 0.5 / texture.width; // Two timesteps per pixel.
this.uniforms.db.value = 1.0 / texture.height;
this.needsUpdate = true;
* Set the start timestamp.
geovelo.LineShaderMaterial.prototype.setStartTimestamp =
function(startTimestamp) {
this.uniforms.startTimestamp.value = startTimestamp;
this.uniforms.startTimeIndex.value = Math.round(
(startTimestamp - this.uniforms.minTimestamp.value) / 60 / 60 / 24);
* Set the end timestamp.
geovelo.LineShaderMaterial.prototype.setEndTimestamp =
function(endTimestamp) {
this.uniforms.endTimestamp.value = endTimestamp;
* Set the scale.
geovelo.LineShaderMaterial.prototype.setScale = function(scale) {
this.uniforms.scale.value = scale;
* Set the median correction.
geovelo.LineShaderMaterial.prototype.setMedianCorrection =
function(medianCorrection) {
this.uniforms.medianCorrection.value = medianCorrection;
* This GLSL program implements the vertex shader for the line material. Each
* vertex's color is set to the linear interpolation between the startColor and
* endColor using the startTimestamp and endTimestamp as the domain and the
* vertex's timestamp attribute as the value within that domain.
* The varying value vVisible will be 1 whenever the timestamp is between
* startTimestamp and endTimestamp, and it's also between the
* startAnimationClamp and endAnimationClamp. If the vertex's timestamp
* attribute is outside of either of these ranges, then vVisible will be 0.
geovelo.LineShaderMaterial.VERTEX_SHADER = `
uniform float scale;
uniform float medianCorrection;
uniform sampler2D beaconVertexTexture;
uniform float minTimestamp;
uniform float maxTimestamp;
uniform float dt;
uniform float db;
uniform vec4 startColor;
uniform vec4 endColor;
uniform float startTimestamp;
uniform float endTimestamp;
uniform float startTimeIndex;
uniform float startAnimationClamp;
uniform float endAnimationClamp;
varying vec4 vColor;
varying float vVisible;
// Given time and beacon indices, look up the Web Mercator lon/lat coords.
vec2 lookupPosition(float timeIndex, float beaconIndex) {
vec4 pack = texture2D(beaconVertexTexture,
vec2(dt * (timeIndex + 1.5), db * (beaconIndex + 1.5)));
return mod(timeIndex, 2.0) > 0.5 ? pack.xy :;
void main() {
// Extract indexes and times from the vertex position.
float beaconIndex = position.x;
float beaconStart = position.y;
float beaconStartIndex = (beaconStart - minTimestamp) / 86400.0;
float timestamp = position.z;
float timeIndex = (timestamp - minTimestamp) / 86400.0;
vColor = mix(startColor, endColor,
smoothstep(startTimestamp, endTimestamp, timestamp));
vVisible =
step(startAnimationClamp, timestamp) *
step(startTimestamp, timestamp) *
step(timestamp, endTimestamp) *
step(timestamp, endAnimationClamp);
// Beacon's initial position.
vec2 basePosition = lookupPosition(-1.0, beaconIndex);
// Current offset position relative to the start time's position.
vec2 offsetPosition =
lookupPosition(timeIndex, beaconIndex) -
lookupPosition(startTimeIndex, beaconIndex);
// Cumulative median offset position relative to median at start.
float medianBaseIndex = max(startTimeIndex, beaconStartIndex);
vec2 medianPosition = medianCorrection *
(lookupPosition(timeIndex, -1.0) -
lookupPosition(medianBaseIndex, -1.0));
float z = smoothstep(minTimestamp, maxTimestamp, timestamp);
vec4 finalPosition =
vec4(basePosition + (offsetPosition - medianPosition) * scale, z, 1.0);
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * finalPosition;
* This GLSL program implements the fragment shader for the line material. It's
* your basic run-of-the-mill fragment shader with the exception that it'll
* discard any fragments where vVisible is less than 1. This happens whenever
* one (or both) of the verticess for this line segment lie outside either the
* start/end timestamps or animation clamps.
geovelo.LineShaderMaterial.FRAGMENT_SHADER = `
varying vec4 vColor;
varying float vVisible;
void main() {
if (vVisible < 1.0) {
gl_FragColor = vColor;